Klaus Toepfer |
Artículos procedentes de fuera de nuestras fronteras |
“La escala del problema es tan enorme, la tasa de pérdida tan rápida, y los riesgos a los humanos tan manifiestos, que nos deberíamos conformarnos con nada menos ” “The scale of the problem is so huge, the rate of loss so fast, and the risks to human well being so manifest that we should consider nothing less” |
Ecosistemas y Bienestar Humano: El Informe de Síntesis de la Biodiversidad |
Firmas Internacionales |
Gonzalo Oviedo |
“… la tarea urgente es la de buscar los puentes entre los MDGs y la agenda ambiental, y asegurar así no solo que ésta no desaparezca de los compromisos internacionales, sino (y principalmente) que los pobres del mundo no sean nuevamente burlados por planteamientos que son mas retóricos que prácticos y que desconocen el papel crucial del medio ambiente en la lucha sostenible contra la pobreza. ”. |
Digit@l |
The Water Mandarins Turning Water into Global Money |
Erik Swyngedouw |
“...About a billion people worldwide do not have access to reasonably clean water. Many of them live in the mega-cities of the developing world. While water is often readily present in abundant quantities, millions of people are embroiled in daily struggles for access to some sort of potable water. Access to water is indeed highly contested terrain, one replete with all manner of economic and political struggle and conflict. Problematic access to water has become one of the central factors causing premature death, ill health, and reduced life-chances. As such, it constitutes a key global environmental problem. At the same time, water has become one of the central testing grounds for the implementation of global and national neo-liberal policies. The privatisation of water production and delivery services, particularly urban water supply systems, has become an important arena in which global capitalist companies operate in search of economic growth and profits. …” |
The Water Mandarins Turning Water into Global Money |
Michal Kravcik and others |
The wind gale of November 19th 2004, that blew over the Slovakia, caused the ravage of 12.600 hectares of forest ecosystems in the High Tatras National Park (TANAP). Mostly artificially planted forest ecosystems were damaged, the value of which – apart from the economic loss – can only be hardly calculated (e.g. the protective function of forests, erosion-defense and the climatic, biological, recreational functions of forests etc.) One of its functions that, has been disturbed included the erosion-defense of forests with water regime of the ecosystems. The change of conditions occurred, such as changes in humidity of forest soils and rainwater run-off, together with the change of micro-climatic conditions, while potential risk of the fires, droughts and floods have increased. In order to restore the ravaged forest ecosystems in the TANAP, the People and Water NGO with partners submitted a concrete project titled „The Water Forest”. The Water Forest Project is based on integrated restoration of water resources at the selected 52-hectares area as a pilot model for the ravaged forest ecosystems restoration. |
WATER FOREST for a New Water Culture for restoration of the High Tatras National Park ecosystems after wind storm in November 2004 |